Monday, July 28, 2014

Glimmer and Shine Classroom Decor Set

I love Leonard's super confident pick up line (from The Big Bang Theory).  It sat in the back of my mind while I was creating this new classroom decor set.  Glimmer and Shine is just pretty, isn't it?
{"You're beautiful.  You pop, sparkle and buzz electric."}

I love Leonard's super confident pick up line (from The Big Bang Theory).  It sat in the back of my mind while I was creating this new classroom decor set.  Glimmer and Shine is just pretty, isn't it?

{Alphabet Pennant}

For my classroom this year, I wanted to use a color palate as my driving force behind the decor.  I just get tired of specific themes before the end of the year and never carry them over to the next year.  Glimmer and Shine is just the look I want.  Calm and relaxed, but eye-catching and pretty.

Click on the image or here to check out the preview on TpT.

Only 2 weeks left before pre-planning.  I wonder how many more items will get checked off my back-to-school to do list.

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