Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Didn't Kill the Plants...It's a Miracle

Before break, we started our ever entertaining and enjoyable unit on plants.  This is one of my favorite science topics ever.

While perusing through the W, I found these awesome mini greenhouses from Miracle Gro Kids.  At $1 each I couldn't pass them by.  I got carrots (which we know do not grow on trees), cucumbers, tomatoes, sunflowers and forget-me-nots.

Each group got to set up one greenhouse and I had one to demonstrate.

Everyone had a job: soil dumper, mixer, seed sower and seed coverer.  We set them by a window and...

we had forget-me-nots (and a little mold) popping up!  The next day cucumbers poked through the soil.  By the end of the week everything was growing except the carrots.  Those just started yesterday (about 10 days after we planted them).

I was really worried I would kill these jokers over Spring Break.  Both my parents and my man have beautiful green thumbs.  Mine isn't brown, but more of a wimpy yellow-green.  Ha!

Just before break we also planted watermelons.  I told you, I love planting!  Fingers crossed, these will be ready to eat by the last day of school.  More on that later.

 Last week I won a giveaway!  Jana Guerra of WeHeart1st has this wonderful Life in the Garden resource.

The students practiced their reading for details and answering questions skills to complete "Parts of a Plant" in their interactive notebooks.  On the opposite side we used the cut and label parts of a plant, but I didn't snap any pictures.

This pack wrote my science lessons for the next 2 weeks!  We will be learn and observing soil, parts of a seed, plant life cycles and much more.  We'll be using Dirt: The Scoop on Soil by Natalie M. Rosinsky, Oh Say Can You Seed? by Bonnie Worth and (my go-to) Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace.  Love me some Buddy Bear.

Don't forget about my TpT sale this weekend!

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